«Watching with others»
En undersøkelse av postkort som kritikkformat og -metode
This article looks at empirical data produced in a workshop model for criticism for young people who have seen performing arts through the national art program The Cultural Schoolbag (TCS). The participants explore and communicate their performing arts’ experiences through texts and drawing on postcards. This study uses an extended concept/definition of performing arts and performance (Fischer-Lichte, 2014; Reason, 2010; Sauter, 2006), as well as an extended definition of criticism (Martin, 2016; Rogoff, 2004; 2008; Schmidt, 2018) and focuses on the social aspects of the performing arts experience. In this article , I propose the postdad as a method and as a format for criticism that invites for co-creation, creative and performative writing and assessment where the entire performing arts experience is included. Who do the participants address through the cards, and what positions of sender does the postcard open up for? What social relationships come to light or shape the cards? What kind of criticism can the postcard be?
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Opphavsrett 2023 Anette Therese Pettersen
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