Tidsskrift for Lærerutdanning og grunnopplæring er et flerfaglig vitenskapelig tidsskrift som fremmer aktuell forskning for utvikling av skole og lærerutdanning, skolens samfunnsmandat og kunnskap til barns beste.
The Bryggen Papers book series is a flexible peer reviewed publication channel for research on the Middle Ages in Norway and its international context. The series is multi-disciplinary as well as cross-disciplinary and addresses the Middle Ages in a broad sense temporally and geographically. The editorial board warmly welcomes proposals for full presentations of basic studies as well as general and interdisciplinary analysis, both in the format of monographs and anthologies.
This open-access electronic journal aims at strengthening the communication between the Nordic criminal law science and the international arena. The main idea is to make Nordic criminal law research available for an international audience, as well as allowing international research to interact with a Nordic audience. Therefore, contributions in English are favoured, but text written in the Nordic languages and in German can be accepted as well. The journal is published with two issues per year, freely available for everyone.
Early Modern Culture Online (EMCO) is an open-access, peer reviewed electronic journal. EMCO aims at publishing original research on Renaissance and Early Modern Literature, broadly construed, through a wide variety of interdisciplinary approaches, including art history, architecture, philosophy, religion and musical research.
The themes and cultural expressions discussed, and the wider relevance of Early Modern art forms and cultural statements in contemporary society, turn the series into a valuable resource for specialists as well as for the general reader.
EMCO was initially published by the Early Modern Research Group and The Bergen Shakespeare and Drama Network, the latter currently known as the Bergen-Volda Shakespeare Network.
Bergen Language and Linguistics Studies (BeLLS) is an open-access peer reviewed electronic journal, started by Lidun Hareide and Gard Buen Jenset in 2009. We publish guest-edited issues/collections of papers (we do not accept freestanding papers). Proposals for issues on thematically related research in all areas of language studies and linguistics are invited.
Nordic Journal of Information Literacy in Higher Education (NORIL) is a peer reviewed open access journal. Information literacy is a multidisciplinary field as it is the subject of both academic research, as well as of library pedagogical practice. The development of knowledge in the field is nourished by perspectives from different academic disciplines, such as pedagogy, sociology, media studies, library and information science and psychology.
We would like to invite article authors and book reviewers who can contribute to a better understanding of the relationship between research-based knowledge and learning processes in Higher Education, and teaching practices within the field of information literacy.
Journal of Anthropological Films (JAF) is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes films that stand alone as original, empirical contributions based on social anthropological research.
JAF warmly invites anthropological filmmakers to submit their films for review and consideration for publishing in a future volume. Hereby, filmmakers and contributors may potentially reach a worldwide audience for their films and academic credentials on a par with written articles (however subject to your national academic credential system). Please go to 'Submission' to read how to proceed.
Ornis Norvegica is a peer-reviewed, online and open access journal publishing papers in all fields of ornithology. Both subscription and publishing are free of charge.
Former Cinclus (Vol. 1, 1978) and Fauna Norv. ser. C., Cinclus (Vol. 2-21, 1979-1999)
Praxeology – A critical reflexive view on social practices is an open access, online peer reviewed journal in the intersection between the health sciences, pedagogy, the social sciences and the humanities. The journal publishes peer reviewed articles and essays, in addition to book essays, book reviews, and op-ed pieces.
The title Praxeology and the subtitle a critical reflexive view refer to French historical epistemology, which is the journal's epistemological foundation. Yet, the journal also publishes research articles that do not directly belong to this tradition, but that are theoretically and methodologically related to it.
While the journal primarily is directed at critical and reflexive analyses of practices in health and/or education, the journal also accepts contributions from other research environments and traditions.
Praxeology is an international journal, and accepts manuscripts written in the Scandinavian languages, English or French.
A collective mouthpiece for pedagogical supervisors
Nordisk tidsskrift i veiledningspedagogikk [The Nordic Journal of Pedagogical Supervision] aims to develop pedagogical supervision competency across professions. We also wish to provide pedagogical supervisors with a collective mouthpiece for the purpose of promoting a sense of community and strengthening research activities in the field.
The intent of the journal is to strengthen the academic quality of the professional field through the publication of research and scientific articles. The Nordic Journal of Pedagogical Supervision shall have an independent and critical role.
The journal’s target audience includes researchers, educational institutions at all levels, practitioners, as well as others with an interest in supervision. NORDVEI will publish articles in Norwegian, Danish, Swedish and English.
There will be open access to all content of the journal. The journal will publish scientific articles following a peer review.
The journal has been approved as a level 1 journal by the Norwegian Register for Scientific Journals.
This open-access, peer reviewed electronic journal aims at publishing original research within the field of theatre studies.
Voices is an Open Access peer reviewed journal that invites interdisciplinary dialogue and discussion about music, health, and social change. The journal nurtures a critical edge that refines the focus on inclusiveness, socio-cultural awareness, and social justice. We publish three issues per year, typically at the beginning of March, July and November.