
An essay on intercultural career guidance over the phone


  • Henriette Pagh Mathiasen eVejledning, Styrelsen for it og læring, Børne og Undervisningsministeriet i Danmark



prejudice, shame, digital mentoring, minorities


Recent research from the Danish Institute for Human Rights shows the prevalence of discrimination faced by minority ethnic groups in the Danish society.

This essay reflects on the experience of shame in professional counseling, where the author confronts personal reactions and biases when engaging with a woman of foreign origin seeking guidance. Through a personal account of a phone conversation, the text describes how irritation and inner resistance trigger feelings of shame, leading to doubt about both the author’s judgment and the quality of the guidance.

This essay delves into the challenges of intercultural guidance over the phone and reflects on the impact of predispositions, language barriers and failure of mentalization. The unique dynamics of telephone guidance are explored, highlighting both advantages and challenges.

The essay draws on theories of shame, ethics and understandings from Hans-Georg Gadamer and K.E. Løgstrup. It problematizes how unconscious biases can affect the relationship between counselor and client, emphasizing that the recognition of shame can serve as a path to professional growth. Through reflection on responsibility and structural injustices in counseling, the author explores how shame can function as a moral compass, forcing us to work towards social justice in guidance.


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How to Cite

Mathiasen, H. P. (2024). Shame: An essay on intercultural career guidance over the phone. The Nordic Journal of Pedagogical Supervision, 9(2), 1–8.