Enacting shared narratives in work counselling

A narrative study of how work counsellors can support service users in the process of returning to work





Guidance, Supervision, Working relation, Social work, User involvement, Qualitative research


Work counselling is complex and challenging. Research highlights the importance of user involvement and client-professional relationships for successful counselling outcomes. In this narrative case study, we explored how work counsellors may support service users in the process of returning to work, by focusing on meaning-making processes in counselling. We created data through a narrative interview and conducted a narrative analysis of the data. Our findings show how counsellors may support users through being open for multiple understandings of the situation, in particular users’ ongoing narratives. Further, our findings show how believing in, and acting on, users’ ongoing plots, may help in the process of returning to work. We discuss how our findings of counsellors’ role in meaning-making processes may shed light on how user involvement can be put into practice, but also how this may involve some dilemmas.

Author Biographies

Marie Sorgendal, NAV Lillehammer-Gausdal & NTNU

Marie Skarbø Sorgendal, Public Ph.D.-student/Counsellor, NAV Lillehammer-Gausdal/Department of Education and Lifelong Learning, Faculty of Social and Educational Sciences, NTNU, Trondheim, Norway. Counsellor with a bachelor’s degree in pedagogy and a master’s degree in counselling. Employed as NAV Counsellor since 2011 and works with peer counselling at NAV Lillehammer-Gausdal. Research interests include counselling, narrative meaning-making, and welfare.

Nina Petersen Reed, NTNU

Nina Petersen Reed, Associate professor, Department of Mental Health, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences. Social worker, with a master’s degree in social work and a PhD in health sciences/mental health work. Research interests include mental health recovery, community mental health work, everyday life and activities, and relational welfare.


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How to Cite

Sorgendal, M., & Reed, N. P. (2025). Enacting shared narratives in work counselling: A narrative study of how work counsellors can support service users in the process of returning to work. The Nordic Journal of Pedagogical Supervision, 10(1), 1–15. https://doi.org/10.15845/ntvp.v10i1.4076


