The value of a blended learning supervision course at the advanced level: Supervisors’ experiences
supervision course, blended learning, advanced level, digital course component, physical course component, simulationAbstract
Aim: To explore what experiences specialist nurses and midwives have with a blended learning course (digital course component one and physical course component two) to develop their supervisory competence.
Methods: A qualitative descriptive design with two focus group interviews (n=9) and written reflections from participants (n=70) from five courses conducted in 2021 and 2022.
Findings: Thematic analysis revealed two main themes: 1) The value of blended learning in a clinical supervision course and 2) Areas for improvement. Participants experienced a profound learning outcome through the acquisition of theoretical knowledge digitally during part one of the course, followed by in-person engagement in simulation-based learning activities in part two. Specifically, the participants gained a heightened awareness of the complexity of supervision and increased confidence in using communication tools through simulation. The challenges faced in the digital part of the course highlighted the need for technical improvements, emphasizing the importance of improving flexibility and development of an application for easy access to learning resources.
Conclusion: The findings indicate that the blended learning approach enhanced supervision competence. The online component facilitated a more profound learning experience in the in-person simulation-based course. Recommendations for improvement centered on simplifying content and introducing greater flexibility and accessibility in the digital part of the course.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Dagrunn Nåden Dyrstad, Synnøve Eidsvik Folkvord, Ida Helene Mykkeltveit, Christina Furskog Risa, Jorunn Flaten Lyngset, Petter Mordt, Franziska Maria Vogler, Kine Gjesdal

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