Flipped classroom as speech genre in mentor education
Students’ perspective on conditions that have an impact on learning processes
Higher education, student evaluation, digital technology, learning, meaning-makingAbstract
The purpose of this study is to gain insight into factors that are important for the students’ learning processes when the mentor education is designed as a flipped classroom. Research on flipped classrooms in mentor education for teachers in kindergartens and schools is given little attention. With a qualitative approach, we ask: How can we promote good learning processes when flipped classrooms are used in mentor education? The data consist of 138 evaluations by students on four courses. A thematic analysis has been used. The theoretical framework is Bakhtin’s concept of speech genre, multivocality and view of knowledge. Significant for the learning processes are plain and early information, connections between the different parts of the education, interaction and exchange of opinions through concrete support from the teacher and adapted working methods beyond the traditional. Flexibility can both promote and inhibit learning. The study is a contribution that highlights important aspects of the learning process when flipped classrooms are used in mentor education, and it can contribute to increased understanding of use of flipped classrooms in higher education.
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