Synchronous video-based supervision and feedback in professional education

a scoping review


  • Nina Vahl Sletteland VID Specialized University
  • Kari Røykenes VID Specialized University
  • Irene Hunskår VID Specialized University
  • Hans Lund Western Norway University of Applied Sciences



Nursing education, Cyber supervision, pedagogical innovation, clinical practicum, preceptor, feedback assessment


The purpose of this review was to identify studies and experiences reporting with triadic synchronous video-based supervision (TSVBS) in nursing education. It is important for nursing students to be supervised by preceptors and academic teachers during their practicum. There are some challenges to performing in-person supervision involving those three parties, like long travel distances and the restrictions caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. TSVBS may be a solution. There is, however, limited knowledge about TSVBS in nurse education. We performed a scoping review focusing on TSVBS to provide an overview of the existing publications on the approach. Only six studies were found describing the use of TSVBS, all of them relating to nurse education. No studies evaluating the effect of TSVBS were found. Instead, the studies only compared the cost-effectiveness of TSVBS with in-person supervision. The supervisory relationship between the three could also not be separated from a more general teacher-student relationship.

Author Biographies

Nina Vahl Sletteland, VID Specialized University

Nina Vahl Sletteland works as an associate professor at VID University College and has many years of work experience from the specialist service as a nurse, supervisor, and therapist. Health pedagogy, health competence, professional guidance, pedagogical supervision, and relational and individual supervision have been mainstays for many years. Among other things, he has written for books in health pedagogy and health-promoting work and in recent years has especially worked with digital tools in meetings with pathfinders and in learning, including through the project Solstien 3, a virtual learning house for health education, VR in medication management and “Working on the green light”, an innovative pedagogical development project. She has also contributed to the application of SFU, Center for Exellent Education, Learning I Practice (LiP), 2022.

Kari Røykenes, VID Specialized University

Has more than 20 years of experience from nursing education and has a bachelor's degree in nursing and a doctorate in pedagogy. The focus of the PhD project was on test anxiety in a high-effort context. She has several years of clinical experience, nurse and leader and now leads an NFR funded research project "Education for the future in a changing health landscape" - a collaborative project with Helse Bergen. The project focuses on simulation of pedagogy in nursing education in addition to nursing students' competence. In addition, she is the leader of the project "Development of pedagogical theories about simulation as a learning method".

Irene Hunskår, VID Specialized University

Irene Hunskår is a university librarian with at number of publications, including various reviewers. Her main subjects are College library, Information Competence and systematic literature search.


Hans Lund, Western Norway University of Applied Sciences

Hans Lund is Professor at Centre for Evidence-Based Practice with responsibilities for research related to the use of systematic reviews in rehabilitation, research and education. Specifically, the focus is presently at the importance of using systematic reviews when justifying and designing new studies and when placing new results in context. This concept is called "Evidence-Based Research" (EBR), and HL is now chair of a European Union based COST Action called EVBRES (see HL is teaching in how to prepare systematic reviews at both master and PhD levels, and for senior researchers. HL is chairperson of the Evidence-Based Research Network, and co-editor of Cochrane Musculoskeletal Review Group (CMSG). HL was director of studies for a cross-disciplinary Master in Rehabilitation from 2007 to 2017, and director of studies for a Master in Physiotherapy from 2011 to 2017 at University of Southern Denmark. HL has published more than 85 scientific papers. In addition, he has written textbooks within physical therapy, rehabilitation, rheumatology and evidence-based practice. In addition, a number of popular scientific papers for both physical therapists, nurses and occupational therapists and has been supervisor for bachelor, master and PhD students. HL has reviewed a number of scientific papers and PhD theses.


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How to Cite

Sletteland, N. V., Røykenes, K., Hunskår, I., & Lund, H. (2022). Synchronous video-based supervision and feedback in professional education: a scoping review. The Nordic Journal of Pedagogical Supervision, 7(1), 1–17.


