Students' expressions of resistance in supervisory conversations




Field placement, Social work education, Agency, supervisory relationship, power


The article is about social work students' expressions of resistance in supervisory conversations between social work students and social workers who had the role as field instructor and supervisor for the students. Data were obtained through partial participatory observation of fifteen supervisory conversations. Individual interviews with the students were conducted after the observations to ensure the quality of the researcher's impressions from the observations. The article contributes with new knowledge about how resistance is expressed from students during supervision. The findings from the qualitative content analysis show that resistance in supervisory conversations were rare. The examples of resistance that were identified were expressed openly, covertly and ignorantly by the students. In the article, we argue that students' expressions of resistance can have a connection with asymmetry and resonance in supervisory relationships, as well as the occurrence of agency among students. Recognizing and understanding resistance will be a prerequisite for achieving good supervision in field placements.

Author Biographies

Heidi Lie Eriksen, Universitetet i Stavanger

Hun ble utdannet sosionom ved Høgskolen i Bergen i 2002. I 2017 fullførte hun en master i sosialfag ved Universitetet i Stavanger. Hun har arbeidet i bofellesskap, sosialtjenesten, NAV og Statsforvalteren. Har siden 2018 vært ansatt som stipendiat / førsteamuensis i kvalifiseringsstilling ved Universitetet i Stavanger, hvor hun arbeider med en Ph.D.-studie om veiledningsrelasjoner i sosionomstudenters praksisperioder.

Mikhail Gradovski, Universitetet i Stavanger

Utdannet dr. polit. ved NTNU i 2008 og er ansatt ved Universitetet i Stavanger som professor i sosialpedagogikk. Gradovski har deltatt i både nasjonale og internasjonale forskningsprosjekter om doktorgradsveiledning, profesjonsveiledning, dialogens plass i utdanning og utvikling av mentale ferdigheter. 



How to Cite

Eriksen, H. L., & Gradovski, M. (2022). Students’ expressions of resistance in supervisory conversations. The Nordic Journal of Pedagogical Supervision, 7(1), 1–14.


