“It's a strange thought to have the students to myself”

Supervision in Teams in Practical Training in Teacher Education


  • Mette Hvalby Universitetet i Stavanger
  • Jorunn Thortveit Universitetet i Stavanger




practicum, supervision, communities of practice


Supervision in practicum in teacher education is a task that is often taken care of by the individual supervisor, and previous research shows large variations in quality of supervision, follow-up and learning outcomes for the students. The present study deals with the establishment of supervising teams at a school where most teachers are certified supervisors. The term supervisory team refers to the fact that several practice teachers take joint responsibility for the tasks related to the same student group. The study highlights how students and practice teachers experience this organization, and how both groups link their experiences to learning and development. The study is socioculturally anchored with data based on interviews with three supervisor teams and their student groups throughout one period of practicum. The findings indicate an incipitary collective tutoring practice built on an existing collaborative culture, supported by choreographed learning meetings as a structuring resource.

Author Biographies

Mette Hvalby, Universitetet i Stavanger

Mette Hvalby er universitetslektor i pedagogikk ved IGIS, institutt for lærerutdanning, idrett og spesialpedagogikk, Universitetet i Stavanger. Fagansvarlig for praksislærerutdanning og profesjonsveiledning. Forskningsinteresser er læreres profesjonsutvikling og undervisningspraksis.

Jorunn Thortveit, Universitetet i Stavanger

Jorunn Thortveit er førstelektor i pedagogikk ved IGIS, Universitetet i Stavanger. Forskningsinteresser er knyttet til skoleutvikling og utvikling av læreres profesjonskunnskap gjennom veilederordninger og ulike typer partnerskap



How to Cite

Hvalby, M., & Thortveit, J. (2022). “It’s a strange thought to have the students to myself”: Supervision in Teams in Practical Training in Teacher Education. The Nordic Journal of Pedagogical Supervision, 7(1), 1–14. https://doi.org/10.15845/ntvp.v7i1.3465


