Call for Papers: Mentoring and Digitalization – Possibilities and Challenges



The global pandemic caused great challenges for educational-, health-, and welfare institutions on a national and international level. Periods with strict protective measures and lockdowns in society accelerated the development and implementation of digital technologies. This is also the case for the field of mentoring. Meanwhile, digital innovations and the use of digital technologies such as virtual reality, task automation, artificial intelligence, learning analytics, simulations, and video have opened for new possibilities and challenges within the field and pedagogical practice of mentoring. We invite contributions to a Special Issue with the focus on the possibilities and challenges that digitalization can create for mentoring. A more comprehensive background section related to the Call for Papers can be found in the paper Veiledning og digitalisering (in Norwegian)


Interesting topics for the Special Issue include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Digital resources and frames for mentoring and mentoring education in different professions and other contexts (e.g., online mentoring education, flipped classroom, the use of video in mentoring dialogues, asynchronous communication/chat, peer-based mentoring/collegial coaching, field practice supervision, research supervision)
  • Possibilities and potential challenges with mentoring and digitalization (e.g., presence in virtual reality, ethical/bodily/aesthetic dimensions, privacy, aspects related to using artificial intelligence)
  • Perspectives related to philosophy of science, theory, and critical stances with regards to supervision and digitalization (e.g., knowing and the development of knowledge, and how this relates to relationships, teaching and learning)
  • Political and subject-disciplinary positions – digitalization as a response to societal issues (e.g., effectiveness in the public sector/government and productivity in the private sector)
  • Combinations of before-mentioned topic

 Text types

Scientific articles and essays (empirical and theoretical) will be prioritized. In addition, short papers, practicum narrations, autoethnographic texts, and book reviews are also relevant contributions.

Important deadlines

  • 14 April 2023 Submission of abstracts
  • 14 June 2023 Feedback on abstracts
  • 14 December 2023 Submission of full articles/texts
  • 14 March 2024 Feedback from reviewers
  • 14 June 2024 Submission of revised articles after peer review
  • September 2024 Publication of Special Issue

Practical information

NORDVEI publishes articles in Norwegian, Danish, Swedish, and English languages.

All content in the journal is published openly (Open Access). The journal ensures the quality of all scientific articles and essays through double blind peer review. Other contributions are assessed by the journal editors. The journal is approved for level 1 and charges no publication fees.

Abstract (no more than 400 words) must be submitted by the 14th of April 2023 using the Nettskjema submission form.

Questions related to the Special Issue can be directed to the guest editors:

Inger Merethe Hansen, UiT The Arctic University of Norway –

Fredrik Mørk Røkenes, The Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) –

Tommy Thompson, VID Specialized University –