About the Journal

A collective mouthpiece for pedagogical supervisors

Nordisk tidsskrift i veiledningspedagogikk [The Nordic Journal of Pedagogical Supervision] aims to develop pedagogical supervision competency across professions. We also wish to provide pedagogical supervisors with a collective mouthpiece for the purpose of promoting a sense of community and strengthening research activities in the field.

The intent of the journal is to strengthen the academic quality of the professional field through the publication of research and scientific articles. The Nordic Journal of Pedagogical Supervision shall have an independent and critical role.

The journal’s target audience includes researchers, educational institutions at all levels, practitioners, as well as others with an interest in supervision. NORDVEI will publish articles in Norwegian, Danish, Swedish and English.

There will be open access to all content of the journal. The journal will publish scientific articles following a peer review.

The journal has been approved as a level 1 journal by the Norwegian Register for Scientific Journals.


Current Issue

Vol. 10 No. 1 (2025)
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