The first-year as a mentor in Norwegian teacher education – asking for the authoritative word


  • Vivi Nilssen Faculty of Teacher and Interpreter Education, NTNU



mentor, practice school, authoritative discourse, internally persuasive discourse


In this article I describe and interpret how a first-year mentor for student teachers, Anna, lacks support in her new role within the context of field practice in Norwegian teacher education. Even though she is employed at what is called a “practice school”, she feels alone in her work with the student teachers. There is no one there to answer her questions on how to perform her new role. I argue that due to the lack of an arena where she can discuss her questions, Anna positions herself as someone who should act upon what others have decided. She subsequently asks for the authoritative word from the University College.

Author Biography

Vivi Nilssen, Faculty of Teacher and Interpreter Education, NTNU

Vivi Nilssen er professor i pedagogikk ved Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet, fakultet for lærer- og tolkeutdanning. Hun har lang erfaring som lærer og praksislærer og har publisert artikler og bokkapitler med fokus på praksislærerrollen og veiledning i praksisfeltet. Hun har utgitt boka Praksislæreren basert på egen forskning.


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How to Cite

Nilssen, V. (2016). The first-year as a mentor in Norwegian teacher education – asking for the authoritative word. The Nordic Journal of Pedagogical Supervision, 1(1), 1–12.


