Corrigendum to “Exploring the use of technology designed to support the supervision process in teacher training placements” Nordvei 8 (2023), e3745
The original article mentions that two of the authors contributed to the development of the software used in the study, but it did not include a complete conflict of interest statement. The statement should read as follows:
The software underpinning this study was initially developed by the University of Agder, building upon prior research by Mathisen and Bjørndal (2016), two of the four authors of this article. Subsequently, the software has undergone commercialization, with these authors contributing to its development and holding ownership shares in the associated company.
The authors apologize for not providing more information about their conflicts of interest earlier.
Bjørndal, C. R. P., Mathisen, P., Wennergren, A.-C., & Thornberg, F. (2023). Exploring the use of technology designed to support the supervision process in teacher training placements. Nordisk tidsskrift i veiledningspedagogikk, 8(1).
Hvordan referere
Opphavsrett 2024 Cato Bjørndal, Petter Mathisen, Ann-Christine Wennergren, Fredrik Thornberg

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