Enhancing school-based mentors’ professional practice
Exploring 360° video and virtual reality as tools for self-observation
https://doi.org/10.15845/ntvp.v9i2.4232Emneord (Nøkkelord):
Mentor development, professional mentoring, 360° video, observation tools, mentor educationSammendrag
Observing oneself and one’s own practice on video is a powerful tool that mentors can use to further develop their skills. The purpose of this study is to explore how mentors experience using VR technology and 360° video as observation tools in a mentor conversation in which they themselves act as mentors. Based on a reflexive thematic analysis, qualitative interviews with five mentors were analyzed and categorized into three main themes: (a) being present in one’s own supervision, (b) being an autonomous observer, and (c) gaining an expanded observational perspective. Compared to the use of video in 2D format, the results show that VR technology and 360° video provide an educational added value by strengthening mentors’ opportunities to see themselves and the person they mentor from different perspectives. These technologies also expand mentors’ basis of observation, encompassing interactions, relationships, and the impact of mentors’ words and actions on the mentee.
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Opphavsrett 2024 Ingvild Bergan, Johan Kristian Andreasen

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