"I mellemtiden har jeg lært alle den sociologiske forståelses sygdomme at kende."
Beate Krais intervju med Pierre Bourdieu.
praxeology, epistemology, sociology, the craft of sociology, BourdieuAbstract
AbstractIn 1968 École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales and Mouton Éditeurs published the book Le métier de sociologue. Préalables épistemologiques by Pierre Bourdieu, Jean-Claude Chamboredon og Jean-Claude Passeron. In 1991, 23 years later Walter de Gruyter published, at the same time, a German and an slightly edited English version of the second edition of the French original. Especially the number of illustrative texts was reduced.
Connected to the publishing Pierre Bourdieu was interviewed by Beate Krais from "Max-Planck-Institut für Bildungsforschung". She asked Bourdieu to explain the genesis of Le métier de sociologue, the positions within the sociological research milieu the book is related to, and what happened since then. In the interview especially two of Bourdieu's demands for sociology to be a science are in focus, the construction of the scientific object and the double break.