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Author Guidelines

Manuscripts should be digitally sent by email to The material shall be in word-format and submitting material to the journal indicates that the material has not been published previously or is not under publication. Articles should not exceed 30 pages (approximately 10,000 words) and should be language reviewed. Shorter texts to be published under varia should not exceed 10 pages and book reviews or shorter commentaries should be of 1-2 pages. It is advisable to use only a minimum of different styles in the manuscript. Subdivisions with headings are preferred, and paragraphs should not be numbered. Footnotes are to be numbered chronologically and to be situated outside the punctuation marks. The use of abbreviations especially in footnotes and parentheses are preferred (Art., para.).


General layout

Text in 12 pt Times New Roman, footnotes in 10 pt Times New Roman. Single line space is to be used in both. 
The title of the article should not be numbered. Headings are to be numbered starting from 1 and formatted in the following way:

The Title of The Article (initial capitals, not bold)
Heading 1 (text in 14 pt, not bold)         

Heading 2 (text in bold) 
Heading 3 (text in italics) 

All articles are to be accompanied with an abstract of ca. 150 words in English. 
Autobiographical details are to be inserted as a first footnote, using an asterisk. Footnotes following should be numerical, starting from 1.

Spelling and punctuation

Use UK English spelling, such as colour etc.
Use the ending -ise, -isation etc.
For quotations, use single quotation marks ('). If a text quoted includes a quotation, please use double quotation marks for this ("). If something is omitted from a quotation, use three full points spaced from the words on both side to indicate this. Quotations of more than 40 words or of particular importance should be broken off from the main text, and shall not contain quotation marks. Leave an extra line above and after the quotation. Lengthy quotations should generally be avoided and especially those of a foreign language.

Italics and abbreviations

Italics are to be used for emphasis (not bold). Foreign words and terms (including ibid) are to be italicised, however names of individuals are not to be italicised. 
For abbreviations, spell out all (except the most common ones) at the first mention, thereafter an abbreviation may be used (such as TFEU).
Number up to nine are to be spelled out, figures to be used from 10 above. Numbers are also to be spelled out at the beginning of sentences and for approximate numbers (two hundred... or at least a thousand...).
Dates are to be formulated in the order of day, month, year, without commas: 9 September 2001. 

General rules of citation

General rules of citation

The reference method is based on a two-part process consisting of:

  • Citation in the text (footnotes)
  • Reference list

Please use the BJCLCJ reference technique when referring to books and articles. When referring to other sources, you may use the reference technique of BJCLCJ or any other preferred method, as long as the method usage is consistent.



Jacobsen (2009).

Smith E and Eckhoff T (2022).

Reference list:

Jacobsen J (2009) Fragment til forståing av den rettsstatlege strafferetten. Fagbokforlaget.

Smith E and Eckhoff T (2022) Forvaltningsrett. 12th edn. Universitetsforlaget.




Weyembergh (2005).

Keijzer (2005).

Reference list:

In journals: Weyembergh A (2005) Approximation of criminal laws, the Constitutional Treaty and the Hague Programme. Common Market Law Review 42 (6), 1567-1597.

In collective books: Keijzer N (2005) Extradition and human rights: a Dutch perspective, in eds. Blekxtoon R and Ballegooij W Handbook on the European arrest warrant. T.M.C Asser Press, 183-194.


EU documents


Directive (EU) 2016/1919/EP and EUCO on legal aid.

Reference list:

Directive (EU) 2016/1919/EP and EUCO of 26 October 2016 on legal aid for suspects and accused persons in criminal proceedings and for requested persons in European arrest warrant proceedings.


Treaty articles


Article 82 TFEU. If necessary, Article 82 TFEU (former 31 TEU). If needed, consult the table of equivalences at OJ 2008, C 115.

Reference list:

Consolidated version of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, OJ 09.05.2008, C 115.  




Human Rights Act § 17. If first timed mentioned, please use the original title: Act relating to the strengthening of the status of human rights in Norwegian law § 17.

Reference list:

Act 1999-05-21-30 on emphasising the effect of human rights in Norwegian law, (Lov om styrking av menneskerettighetenes stilling i norsk rett). If necessary, please include the name of the act in the national wording.


Public documents (Preparatory works and similar)


Prop. 131 L (2012-2013).

Reference list:

Use national standard for reference to public documents, such as for instance

Prop. 131 L (2012-2013) published 07.05.2013.

When needed add explanation in English on the character of the document, for instance (preparatory work), (law committee report) etc.


Case law

European court of Human Rights:


Christine Goodwin v. the United Kingdom [GC] § 98.

Reference list:

Christine Goodwin v. the United Kingdom [GC] no. 28957/95, 11.07.2002.


Court of Justice of the European Union:


Case C-303/05 Advocaaten voor de Wereld para. 15. Joined Cases C-187 & 385/01, Gözütok and Brügge para. 15.

Reference list:

Case C-303/05 Advocaaten voor de Wereld. Joined Cases C-187 & 385/01, Gözütok and Brügge.


National courts:

Footnotes and reference list:

Court judgments should be quoted in accordance with common national practice, except for page references which should generally be marked as p., for examples from the Nordic countries; Rt. 2008 p. 1807 (Norway), NJA 1961 p. 602 (Sweden), HD 2010:41 (Finland), U 1996.754 (Denmark).




Gisle (2009).

Reference list:

Please double-check that the correct web address is submitted.  If several web addresses are used, either indicated in the first (asterisked) reference the date when all addresses were double checked. Otherwise, indicate this in brackets after the website.

Example: Gisle J (2022) Judisium. Store norske leksikon. Available from: All webpages referred to are last accessed on 12 April 2023 // Accessed on 12 April 2023.

Some general notes

Ibid should be used when the reference corresponds to the preceding note.
References should in general be as precise as possible. 
If needed use ff. to indicate the core passage of the work referred to. Referring to works already cited should be referred to in the following manner:

see Suominen 2012 p. x.

or case Stephens v. Malta para. xx.

In case it is referred several times to more than one work of the same author from the same year, indicate this by Suominen 2012a, Suominen 2012b etc.

In case of more than three authors, please use the first name and et al. (Grøning et al.).

If images or graphs are necessary, these are to be supplied electronically in a format which allows.

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