Vladimir Sorokin's Languages
Since coming to the attention of a broader Russian public after the pro-Putin youth movement Walking Together stirred up a storm over Blue Lard in 2002, Vladimir Sorokin has indisputably become one of the most prominent and prolific writers in contemporary Russia, and remains surrounded by an aura of political dissent.
The first book in English dedicated to Sorokin’s œuvre, this volume discusses language as the
main focal point of his writing. The contributions focus on the multifaceted dimensions of language(s) and metalanguage(s) in Sorokin’s works, including archaisms and neologisms, foreign terms or intercultural stereotypes, colloquial and vulgar language, metadiscursive distance and the materialization of metaphors. The volume also includes a roundtable discussion on translation, in which Sorokin himself takes part.
Fleshing/Flashing Discourse
Narrative Discourse in Sorokin’s Prose
Speak, Heart…Vladimir Sorokin’s Mystical Language
The Blue Lard of LanguageVladimir Sorokin’s Metalingual Utopia
The Romantic Conflict between the Ideal and Reality in Vladimir Sorokin’s Oeuvre
Word/Discourse in Roman
Empty Words? The Function of Obscene Language(s) in Vladimir Sorokin’s Blue Lard
The Chinese Future of Russian Literature“Bad Writing” in Sorokin’s Oeuvre
The Latin Alphabet in Sorokin’s Works
The Writer’s SpeechStuttering, Glossolalia and the Body in Sorokin’s A Month in Dachau
Vladimir Sorokin’s Abject BodiesClones and the Crisis of Subjecthood
Choosing a Different Example Would Mean Telling a Different StoryOn Judgement in Day of the Oprichnik
Drive of the OprichnikOn Collectivity and Individuality in Day of the Oprichnik
The Old New RussianThe Dual Nature of Style and Language in Day of the Oprichnik and Sugar Kremlin
Simultaneity of the Non-SimultaneousOn the Diachronic Dimensions of Language in Sorokin
From History as Language to the Language of HistoryNotes on The Target
RoundtableTranslating Sorokin/Translated Sorokin
Index of Names