Contemporary Approaches to Dialectology: the Area of North, Northwest Russian and Belarusian Dialects
This volume brings together studies from different fields of dialectology with a focus on contemporary methods and understudied subfields. The collection comprises articles on dialectal grammar, historical dialectology, language contact, and theoretical approaches to dialectal variation, as well as sociolinguistic descriptions of particular vernaculars based on first-hand data. Furthermore, the collection addresses central questions in the field, such as the extent to which one may still speak of dialect continua, and the conditions that influence variation in vernaculars across space and time.
The majority of the contributions are case studies that analyse the functional range or diachronic development of specific constructions, or home in on the sociolinguistic environment and provenance of individual speaker groups. Other contributions offer a methodological overview of variationist linguistics or a critical synthesis of previous research.
List of Glosses
Methods and Objectives in Contemporary Dialectology
Putting Meaning on the MapIntegration of Geographic and Semantic Variation in Multivariate Models of Language Use
О лингвогеографических параметрах функционирования причастных форм в русских говорах
Способы выражения прошедшего времени в белорусском смешанном говоре на балто‑славянском пограничье
On the Problem of Syntactic Synonyms in a Local Dialect System
Remarks on Object Case in the North Russian Perfect
Conditioning Factors in the Development of the -vši Perfect in West Russian
Конструкции с глаголом быть (был, была, было, были) в одном севернорусском говорек вопросу о плюсквамперфекте
Connectives, Subordination and Information StructureComments on Trubinskij’s Observations on the “-to … dak” Model in the Pinega Dialects
The Independent Partitive Genitive in North Russian
Reflections on the Use of Cokanje in Russian Business Documents of the Sixteenth and the Seventeenth Centuries
Belarusian Dialects in Latvian Latgale -Transitional or Mixed?
The Sociolinguistic Situation of the Myadzel Region Exemplified by the Village of Kamarova