Landslide of the Norm: Language Culture in Post-Soviet Russia


Ingunn Lunde, University of Bergen; Tine Roesen; Lara Ryazanova-Clarke, University of Edinburgh; Michael S. Gorham; Knut Andreas Grimstad; Brita Lotsberg Bryn; Elena Markasova, St Petersburg State University; Annika B. Myhr, University of Oslo; Martin Paulsen, University of Bergen; Irina Sandomiskaja, University College of South Stockholm; Dirk Uffelmann, University of Passau; Liudmila Zubova, St Petersburg State University


Rapid changes in post-Soviet political and social life have been accompanied by dramatic shifts in language culture. Bringing together an international team of linguistic and literary scholars, this book explores the dynamic interrelationship between language and literature as it identifi es different responses to the linguistic situation as well as contributing factors in its development. The linguo-cultural practices under scrutiny include language use and language debates, popular and professional linguistic attitudes and their ideological underpinnings, works of artistic prose and poetry, as well as linguistic ideologies and strategies stemming from the Soviet era that continue to be relevant.


  • Contents
  • Introduction
    Ingunn Lunde, Tine Roesen
  • Language Culture and National Identity in Post-Soviet Russia
    Michael S. Gorham
  • “The Crystallization of Structures”
    Linguistic Culture in Putin’s Russia
    Lara Ryazanova-Clarke
  • Language Culture in Post-Soviet Russia
    the Response of Literature
    Ingunn Lunde
  • Discretion
    the Unpretentious Text in Contemporary Russian Literature
    Tine Roesen
  • Lëd tronulsia
    the Overlapping Periods in Vladimir Sorokin’s Work from the Materialization of Metaphors to Fantastic Substantialism
    Dirk Uffelmann
  • Iurii Buida
    a Writer’s Search for Authenticity
    Brita Lotsberg Bryn
  • Criticizing Pelevin’s Language
    the Language Question in the Reception of Viktor Pelevin’s Novel Generation “P”
    Martin Paulsen
  • Новые слова в поэтическом восприятии
    Liudmila Zubova
  • Trends in the Russian Language Debate
    the Response of Contemporary Poetry
    Annika B. Myhr
  • У истоков новой нормативности
    «любовь к родному слову», риторический арсенал школьного образования 1920-х, и языковая рефлексия 1990-х годов
    Elena Markasova
  • Performing “Bolshevism” or, The Diverse Minority Idiom of Isaak Babel
    Knut Andreas Grimstad
  • Язык-Сталин
    «Марксизм и вопросы языкознания» как лингвистический поворот во вселенной СССР
    Irina Sandomiskaja
  • Contributors
  • Index of Names


March 6, 2017

Print ISSN


Details about this monograph

ISBN-10 (02)


