Foreword to EMCO #4

For a variety of reasons, some of them lost in the mists of time, issue number four of EMCO never came out when it was scheduled to. Therefore, even though this is the sixth issue to come out, it is numbered as the fourth. It is not a collection of old articles and reviews, however; all of the contents are new.

This issue is yet another transitional one in EMCO's history. There are two firsts: it is the first issue to contain HTML-format articles, to be read on a screen, and it is the first issue to be published under the aegis of BOAP (Bergen Open Access Publishing). There are also two endings: it is the last issue to be published in the OJS version 2 format, and it is probably the last general issue to contain as many articles and reviews in one place as this one does. In the future, we hope to publish smaller issues more frequently. One article can be an 'issue' unto itself, or, rather, a 'volume' in an issue spanning one calendar year.

In EMCO number 4, we are delighted to present to you as an illustration of the journal's breadth, three very different articles, with very different purposes. Perry McPartland's 'Political Shakespeare and the Blessing of Art' reads political Shakespeare in an alternative way to New Historicists and Cultural Materialists, through a focus on art's relationship to culture in A Midsummer Night's Dream, and how this play subverts and 'disfigures' myths often appropriated by Reactionary worldviews, through art.

Fernando Cioni also looks at Shakespeare. Starting with his The Taming of the Shrew, Cioni presents a survey of induction scenes and dumb shows in the Elizabethan theatre, with reference to the Italian origins of these scenic traditions. The article contains in an appendix a meticulously assembled and exhaustive list of introductory scenes in English plays from the period.

Robin Rolfhamre's article, '"Caprice de chaconne" (1671): Symmetry and proportions in Francesco Corbetta’s work for Baroque Guitar,' studies how the interpretation of meaning, the reading of symbols and knowledge about the courtly context of early music can influence current performance styles. Rolfhamre's analysis of the compositional structures and techniques of Corbetta's piece of music is illustrated with hyperlinked recordings - another first for EMCO.

As for this issue's book reviews, this is something of a University of Pennsylvania Press special. Three books on different early modern topics, from alchemy via gardens to food recipes have been reviewed.

We hope you will enjoy EMCO number 4!