Formally Educated Mentors in Norway. Possibilities and Challenges in Mentors’ Support of Colleagues’ Professional Development


  • Ingrid Helleve University of Bergen, University of Bergen Library


Emneord (Nøkkelord):

educated mentors, support, peer mentoring, professional development


Compared to other countries Norwegian teachers participate less in professional learning activities (OECD, 2008, 20013). Simultaneously, Norwegian teachers are offered possibilities to participate in formal education for mentors where they are supposed to learn how to support other teachers in their professional development. The aim of the article is to investigate what possibilities and challenges different participants encountered when a group of educated mentors were given the possibility to create a project in their own school where they were expected to support their colleagues’ professional development.


Ingrid Helleve, University of Bergen, University of Bergen Library

Department of Education


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Hvordan referere

Helleve, I. (2017). Formally Educated Mentors in Norway. Possibilities and Challenges in Mentors’ Support of Colleagues’ Professional Development. Nordisk Tidsskrift I Veiledningspedagogikk, 2(1), 30–44.


